KBK Europe Ltd
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Products & Service LTO Battery for Electric (Trolley-)Buses

Lithium Titanate Battery for Electric Buses


LTO Battery for (Trolley-)Buses

This long-lasting battery system is powered by Toshiba SCiB(TM) Lithium-Titanium-Oxide (LTO) energy modules and provides the most robust and energy effective power supply for trolleybuses and electric buses with significant autonomous range. We provide an individual solution, dependent on the vehicle's power profile, required voltage, power and capacity, landscape topography and climate zone.

As the diesel pollution of major cities dramatically reduces the quality of life and affects the health of their population, the trend goes more and more to hybrid and fully electric city buses replacing the old diesel ones. Such substitution is not only politically motivated, but also has a real economical benefit considering the lowest costs of maintenance and energy consumption of an electric vehicle, if proper battery is used. 

TCO: Electric vs Diesel


Charging opportunities on a typical city bus route

Our LTO battery system is based on the most powerful battery chemistry nowadays. It provides the shortest full-charging times (within minutes) and the most effective recuperation during the vehicle deceleration. Combined with opportunity charging on some of the bus stops, it is as convenient as running a combustion engine vehicle even at low (more affordable) battery capacity.

Trolleybuses equipped with this battery instead of the secondary diesel aggregate can easily extend their route away from the power line, avoid traffic and construction areas within the city, and bridge the electrical infrastructure gaps. The battery is then charged within minutes while again driving under the grid.


System characteristics

- Modular design, modules of 19.8 kWh 

- Long battery life with ca. 100% of discharge depth: 15.000 cycles (1 battery for entire vehicle life)

- Typical voltage range (at SoC between 0 and 100%) :  384 .. 518 V

- Maximum continuous charge / discharge: 120 A (or 3C)

- Peak charge/discharge (up to 5 s): 210A

- Proven safe operation even at temperatures as low as -40°C and up to 40°C

- Recharges within 6-20 minutes (charging stations up to 240 kW DC also available)

- No low-discharge problems, typical to other Li-ion batteries

- Fuse current: 250 A

- CAN interface

- Includes battery management system and climate control